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Congratulations on your engagement!

In the Sacrament of Marriage, the natural love shared by a man and a woman is raised to a supernatural level. The bride and groom are the ministers of the sacrament. They confer the Sacrament of Marriage on each other when they commit to a lifelong partnership of their entire lives which is total, permanent and open to the possibility of children. The sacramental relationship between Christian wives and husbands is an image of the mystical relationship between Christ and his bride, the Church.

We at St. Andrew Parish are excited for you to grow in this love and understanding. This is one of the most exciting (and hectic) seasons in your life. Let us help you get ready for more than just the wedding day.

Once engaged, couples must prepare for the Sacrament of Marriage. Arrangements must be made at the rectory office at least six months in advance of the proposed date as required by the marriage regulation of the Catholic Diocese of Erie.
Please call rectory office at (814) 456-6256 to begin the process.

The Diocese of Erie offers Pre-Cana Classes and other marriage preparation services. This website should help answer any questions you might have, but our pastor is always available to help. These diocesan resources can be found at https://www.eriercd.org/familylifeoffice/importantsteps.html

For couples not members of St. Andrew Parish:

If you are hearing wedding bells, congratulations on your engagement!

St. Andrew Church offers cathedral ceilings, beautiful stained-glass views, marble flooring, and the capacity to seat 300 people, St. Andrew Church is accessible to all.

If you are interested in holding your wedding ceremony at St. Andrew Church, please click here for more information.